MUMBAI: The benchmark Sensex jumped over 90 points in early trade today, extending Tuesday's gains, on the back of increased buying by participants as the country's infrastructure growth hit a 6-month high in May.
Besides, a firming trend overseas kept the momentum going.
The 30-share index, which had gained over 135 points in the previous session, rose 90.47 points, or 0.33 %, to 27.871.30, with all sectoral indices led by consumer durables, healthcare and realty trading in the positiveThe NSE Nifty also inched higher by 17.30 points, or 0.21 %, to 8,385.80.
Brokers said sentiment got a lift after the output of eight infrastructure sectors expanded 4.4 per cent in May, the highest growth rate in the past six months and a hardening trend in the global market despite Greece's default.
Among other Asian markets, Japan's Nikkei rose 0.22 % in early trade today, shrugging off the Greek default. Financial markets in Hong Kong are closed today.
The US Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 0.13 % higher in yesterday's trade.
zone with gains up to 1.08 %.
Source - TOI
Besides, a firming trend overseas kept the momentum going.
The 30-share index, which had gained over 135 points in the previous session, rose 90.47 points, or 0.33 %, to 27.871.30, with all sectoral indices led by consumer durables, healthcare and realty trading in the positiveThe NSE Nifty also inched higher by 17.30 points, or 0.21 %, to 8,385.80.
Brokers said sentiment got a lift after the output of eight infrastructure sectors expanded 4.4 per cent in May, the highest growth rate in the past six months and a hardening trend in the global market despite Greece's default.
Among other Asian markets, Japan's Nikkei rose 0.22 % in early trade today, shrugging off the Greek default. Financial markets in Hong Kong are closed today.
The US Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 0.13 % higher in yesterday's trade.
Source - TOI
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